Saturday, August 22, 2020

The * behind a file name denotes that that file is an "executable"

Which just means that that file contains machine code that can be run by the computer.

"ls" stands for "list"

 This command lists all of the files in the directory.

"clang -o hello hello.c"

 "Options"  or  "command line arguments"

"-o" stands for output

Rename the output file to anything you want.

"New line character" is represented by "\n"

 This is a special command or special character that tells the computer to have the cursor go to a new line. 


 The "." means "current folder" .

This tells the computer to run the program a.out

"a.out" stands for "assembly output"

 It is the machine code (binary) a computer can actually understand and run.

The dollar sign in the terminal window is just the "prompt" or "shell"

 It just tells you to "type here".

A compiler is also a software program

 A compiler takes source code and produces machine code (0's and 1's).

C - Hello World

 #include <stdio.h>

int main(void)


printf("Hello world\n");
